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Predicted security threats in 2011

Websense Inc (a US security tech vendor) makes its security threat predictions for 2011, as the world grows more digitally aware, so does the opportunity for cybercrime. One of the predictions is that ‘blended threats‘ are the next point of worry.  Blended threats use a range of forms such as email, the Internet, digital information […]

IronKey Personal S200 Review

Networkworld has put out a review of the IronKey Personal S200 Flash Drive, calling it “possibly the slickest combination of software and hardware-based security in the flash drive market”. Key features: portable control panel with no installation required, so it runs on Mac, Linux and Windows superior password protection using the randomised onscreen keyboard your […]

Why employees need to take responsibility for data security

In an increasingly mobile workplace, employees may consider it the responsibility of their bosses to keep information secure, but in reality, it is the responsibility of each individual. unveils an example of this in a health care firm based in Boston, who after an evaluation of its systems to assess violations of the Health […]

Merger of Zeus and SpyEye viruses

SC Magazine reports new concerns that the well known virus Zeus could be merging with SpyEye, “a new fresh and sophisticated web-based bot”, as described my earlier this year. The senior product manager at IronKey thinks that the Zeus virus is retirintg and that SpyEye will then become the dominant virus.  He also believe […]

IronKey Enterprise winner of Homeland Security Award

Government Security News has awarded the IronKey Enterprise with a Homeland Security Award for the Best Data Security/Loss Management Solution. The awards presentation took place in Washington DC. “The Government Security News judges, all IT and security experts from academia, government and industry, singled out IronKey Enterprise as the best government solution in the data […]

Olympics give cybercriminals new targets

London may be looking forward to the 2012 Olympics, but so are cybercriminals.  Businesses in the UK are looking forward to the increased trade and tourism opportunities, but with many transactions going back and forth, this poses new opportunities for cybercrime, reports SC Magazine UK. Increasingly on the rise is the takeover of customer bank […]

USA inspired by Aussie cybersecurity protocols reports that the proposed Australian cybersecurity solution in which internet service providers would alert customers if their computers are infected, and access be limited until the problem is fixed, is being reviewed by the U.S government. The Obama administration is keen to implement the Australian protocols, but are wary of privacy and civil liberty […]

IronKey expansion within UK government

Computer Weekly reported on 15 September 2010 that the IronKey is ongoing certification for use by the UK government, specifically for use by CESG, a branch of the National Technical Authority for Information Assurance. The IronKey Enterprise S200 USB drives and management software will allow government departments to include USB media in their business plans, […]